Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 with a volunteer project that helps our planet! From eco-friendly lifestyle changes to community clean-ups, your participation makes a difference and improves the environment for all of us.
Here are a few ideas for activities:
- Plan an educational activity for kids to teach them about protecting our environment
- Start or tend to a garden that produces vegetables for the local food bank
- Explore a park and pick up litter
- Clean up your neighborhood
- Join a local environmental organization for a clean-up day
- Make a donation to the above group
- Learn how you can decrease your plastic consumption and share your knowledge with others (calculate your usage)
- Organize a local creek clean-up
- Prepare a local park for spring/summer
- Adopt a park, highway, school to clean up trash throughout the year
- Send letters/cards of appreciation to your local water plant, park rangers, or Corp of Engineers
- Plant a garden to beautify or feed
- Collect plastic bags to be recycled and offer a recyclable bag for anyone who donates
- Commit to Meatless Mondays - and share recipes with family and friends
- Write to your elected officials about environmental concerns
- Improve your carbon footprint (calculate your usage)
- Donate items like clothing and toys instead of throwing them away
- Host a garage sale to raise funds for an organization (and apply for Chapter Matching Funds to get a match)
- Design a social media campaign to educate your community about simple ways to save resources, such as turning off lights when you leave a room
- Ask your friends and family to commit to taking shorter showers for a week – together your efforts will save hundreds of gallons of water
If you plan a volunteer project, remember that you can apply for our Difference Maker Fund program to support your project. If approved, you will receive up to $200 to purchase supplies like gloves, rakes, recyclable bags - or whatever items are needed to spring your idea into action. Learn more today!