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Caring for Mother Nature

Apr 1, 2021

Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 with a volunteer project that helps our planet! From eco-friendly lifestyle changes to community clean-ups, your participation makes a difference and improves the environment for all of us.

Here are a few ideas for activities:

  1. Plan an educational activity for kids to teach them about protecting our environment
  2. Start or tend to a garden that produces vegetables for the local food bank
  3. Explore a park and pick up litter
  4. Clean up your neighborhood
  5. Join a local environmental organization for a clean-up day
  6. Make a donation to the above group
  7. Learn how you can decrease your plastic consumption and share your knowledge with others (calculate your usage)
  8. Organize a local creek clean-up
  9. Prepare a local park for spring/summer
  10. Adopt a park, highway, school to clean up trash throughout the year
  11. Send letters/cards of appreciation to your local water plant, park rangers, or Corp of Engineers
  12. Plant a garden to beautify or feed
  13. Collect plastic bags to be recycled and offer a recyclable bag for anyone who donates
  14. Commit to Meatless Mondays - and share recipes with family and friends
  15. Write to your elected officials about environmental concerns
  16. Improve your carbon footprint (calculate your usage)
  17. Donate items like clothing and toys instead of throwing them away
  18. Host a garage sale to raise funds for an organization (and apply for Chapter Matching Funds to get a match)
  19. Design a social media campaign to educate your community about simple ways to save resources, such as turning off lights when you leave a room
  20. Ask your friends and family to commit to taking shorter showers for a week – together your efforts will save hundreds of gallons of water

If you plan a volunteer project, remember that you can apply for our Difference Maker Fund program to support your project. If approved, you will receive up to $200 to purchase supplies like gloves, rakes, recyclable bags - or whatever items are needed to spring your idea into action. Learn more today!

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