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Beautify Your Neighborhood This Spring

May 13, 2021

Member Amy Finn wasn’t blessed with a green thumb. In fact, a few years ago, she even overwatered a succulent, ending its days in the little pot on her desk. Succulents are one of the easiest plants to keep alive, mind you. So this spring, as she picked out flower seeds to plant in a small plot in our backyard, she thought to herself, “this is the year I’m going to keep a plant alive! I can do this!” If not for her own accomplishment, then to bring joy to her neighbors and her little girl who will get to benefit from the sight of beautiful flowers blooming in the neighborhood.

Then she thought, what a great way to show volunteerism! It is the perfect time of year to break out your gardening gloves, throw on that wide-brim hat and head out to brighten up your neighborhood! Here are a few ideas:

  1. Help your neighbor with the planting of their flowers, vegetables, or a tree
  2. Mow a lawn for a busy mom or elderly neighbor
  3. Remove debris from a flower bed
  4. Help build a raised bed
  5. Start a community garden
  6. Plant an extra row in your garden for the food bank
  7. Offer to water someone’s plants while they are away
  8. Deliver flowers from your garden to a shut-in
  9. Bring a hanging basket to someone in a nursing home
  10. Prune a shrub or tree for a neighbor

Whether you were blessed with a green thumb or not, there are many ways to volunteer this spring, and Royal Neighbors can help you! We are proud to support our members as they serve their community through volunteerism. If approved, the Royal Neighbors Difference Maker Fund provides up to $200 in seed money to help you turn your passion into action.

We're available to help you brainstorm ideas and throughout the process!

Did you recently complete a project? We would love to know the results of your project! Complete your follow-up report here. 

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